Initial set-up steps for project, registrations and managing users.

After receiving your welcome email with Eyrus access use the steps below to begin setting up your project in Eyrus - starting with your "project settings" as well as "registration preferences & settings and adding users."


Choosing worker profile attributes

Follow the instructions here to select worker fields.
Note: These can be modified during the project but it’s important to establish all required attributes from the start, so that no worker profile is created without the required information.

Adding companies

Before adding workers, follow the instructions here to add companies.   

Registering workers

Once all necessary companies have been added, you can now register workers – see the worker registration options here.

Managing pending registrations

An authorized user will need to approve self-registrations – follow the instructions to approve pending registrations here

Assigning badges and beacons

If you did not assign a worker a badge/beacon during the registration process – assign using one of the following options here

Adding users

To complete the initial setup, please add additional users here.

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