Getting Started with NFC Access Control

Eyrus provides access control tools to monitor and secure access to specific areas of a site. NFC-based badges allow users to enter and exit zones depending on their specified permissions and a real-time dashboard provides site admins with insights into access events and logistics across the job site.


Setting Permissions

Eyrus provides a simple way to set access permissions to specific zones. Within Apex, Zone Access Control allows you to define what contracts and/or specific people have authorization to enter zones on your job site.

Check out the Setting Access Control Permissions guide for detailed steps on configuring permissions per zone and per person.




Using Badges

Once the system is installed on-site (see NFC Technical Installation Guide for details) and access permissions are set, people simply hold their badge to the access points located at entrances or exits of enabled zones (look for the "Hold card here" graphic). Once read, the access point will display a green light and allow entry, or display a red light for areas where a user is not permitted.

Please note that the first time a badge is held to an access point it may take a few seconds for the system to allow access. This is due to the badge information being synced across the system for the first time. This pause will reduce significantly once a badge has successfully registered.



Monitoring Access

Eyrus provides an access control dashboard for monitoring NFC access events across the job site. The dashboard is updated in real-time and provides ability to view, search, and filter access events.

1.  Click the Access Control tab on the Dashboards screen.

2.  Use the available filters and sorting options to view access events. By default, the dashboard is sorted to most recent events on top.

3.  The dashboards displays worker name, tag number, contract, zone accessed, any location details, what direction the worker was accessing (in or out), whether access was granted or denied, and what time the event occurred.




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