1. To access dashboard user management click on the Menu icon in the top left of the screen then click project settings.
2. Inside the settings page on the left side click User management.
3. The user management page will allow you to see who has access to the dashboard and with what permissions. You will be able change user permissions, send a user password reset, and delete users (depending on access level) by clicking on the buttons under the action heading. To add a user click on "add user" in the top right of page.
4. In the "Add User" page you can enter the users email and user details to add them. The user role & visibility section will give you a variety of user roles. Each role has a description of what it allows. Also under this section you can add sub contractor level users. This role would allow access to the dashboard for subcontractors to see just their registered workforce on site. Once done deciding all of the user setting click save and the user will be added and an email will be sent for them to set a password if they have not been entered in the system.