Existing Registrations

If a tradesperson shows up to your site with an Eyrus beacon from a previous project you don't have to issue them a new beacon.  You do need to associate that person/beacon with your project so the data flows correctly.  To get started click on the Hamburger icon in the top left to open up the sidebar, then select Registrations.


The single registration page will open by default.  From the sub menu navigate over to the Existing option.


This will open the existing registration form.  Simply enter in the beacon number you want to add and click Search for Employee

From there confirm the tradesperson and company match what you expect, fill in the optional safety briefing date as well as the client number and click Register Employee. You are done the tradesperson is now associated with the project.

If the beacon number could not be found you will get an error message saying, "Tag is deactivated or could not be found."


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