Importing Registrations in Apex

Click on the Hamburger icon in the top left to open up the sidebar, then select Registrations.


The single registration page will open by default.  From the sub menu navigate over to the Imports option.


This will load the first page of the import registrations workflow.  If this is your first time here or if you modified the available fields and need a new template file click the download project template link.  That will download a excel file that has the optional / required fields for your project.

Update the excel with the new tradespeople’s information.  It should look something like this:

We recommend that you save a separate file for each upload.  Go back to the import registrations page, select your file and click Validate File.

This will upload the excel to Eyrus and we will read all the people in the file.  The next page displays the results of the validation.

Tradespeople will be in one of three categories: Valid, Pending or Errors.

Valid – Pass all error checks and are ready to be imported

Pending – Pass all error checks except their associated company does not have a contract in Eyrus for the current project.  These tradespeople will be imported as pending employees.  To learn more about pending employee see What are pending employees.

Errors – Have a fatal error and will not be imported.  It is recommended that you click “Cancel, import new file”, fix the error and upload the file again.

Once you are happy with the validation results click the Import Registrations button and all the registration information will be uploaded to Eyrus.

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