The weekly report gives contract headcount data for a calendar week. The calendar week runs Sunday - Saturday. For each contractor that had headcount for the given week you will see the daily headcount for each day, total for the week as well as the 5 day weekly average.
To get to the weekly report, navigate over to the reports section from the top level navigation.
The daily report will load by default; from the sub menu select the weekly report.
The weekly report is broken into two section; workforce contracts on top and owner services on bottom. To learn more see our differences between an owner contract and workforce contract article. If there are no workforce or owner services contracts for that day the section is going to be blank.
From the action menu there are different actions you can take:
- The weekly report can be run for any date. Simply select the date in the date picker and hit generate. This will run the weekly report for whatever week that date falls in. So the weekly report for a Tuesday as well as the weekly report for a Wednesday will run the report for the same week.
- The workforce contracts filter gives you the ability to filter the workforce contracts between all workforce contracts or just critical contracts. To lean more see our What are critical contracts article.
- You can export to CSV or Excel by clicking one of the buttons on the right.
If your project is setup with zones the action menu will have an additional option to select what zone you want to run the report for.
To learn more about zone see our article on zones.