How to enter tag types

During your registration process, you must assign a “tag” or wearable to the person you are registering. You must also include the Tag Type. See below for how to enter tag types for the various ways you can add and update tags in the system:

How to Enter Tag Types:

Excel Upload:

Take note of the new column called “Tag Type.” There’s also a new worksheet you can use as a cheat sheet. For example, are you assigning hardhat beacons or ID badges? If so, your Tag Type for the excel is BLE


Excel TagType Sheet:


Single person online registration:

When using the single person online registration, simply select your Tag Type from the dropdown:


Adding or updating wearables from a person’s profile:

To update, or add a wearable from an individual's profile, first find them in the Workforce Report and click on their name. Click on “Tags” within their profile to see the layout that includes Tag Type. Click “New Tag” to make changes:



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