General Mobile App FAQs

Are there any fees to use Eyrus apps as a member of the workforce?

No. Eyrus apps are available to download for free.


Are Eyrus apps GDPR compliant?

All Eyrus products are in compliance with our privacy policy which can be found here


Is my data securely stored if I logout or stop using an app?

Yes. All workforce and timesheet data is securely stored in our cloud.


What devices and OS versions do Eyrus apps work with?

For device compatibility information for the Eyrus workforce app, see this article.

For device compatibility information for the Visibility app, see this article.


What information is Eyrus collecting?

If using the workforce app to register to a project it presents the desired registration questions as configured by the project administration. This information is collected and made available to the project team. If using the app for badging, it records the amount of time the user spends on-site in order to generate timesheets. Each check-in event is recorded and processed for timesheet and reporting purposes.

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