Video Monitoring FAQs


Can cameras be used indoors and outdoors?

Yes. We offer both indoor and outdoor options.

Can cameras be added after initial setup?

Yes. Much like readers for badging, additional cameras can be added or moved at any time during the project without impacted existing setup.

Can cameras be purchased on the Eyrus eStore?

Yes. Camera are available in the eStore.

Can I use my existing site cameras and just opt for site monitoring services?

Much like our badging hardware our cameras are custom designed to provide unique feature and insights that other providers cannot. Please contact your Eyrus representative to see if our monitoring service supports other manufacturers or brands.

How do cameras connect to a network?

Cameras connect via cellular.

Who installs the camera on a site?

Installation is coordinated via a combination of Eyrus support staff and the site project team.

Who services a camera if there's an issue?

Camera software troubleshooting can be done remotely by Eyrus support staff. Depending on the issue, hardware troubleshooting can be done on site by the project team or an Eyrus representative.

How far away can a camera detect a person?

Our 3mm camera model can detect a person at 65 feet. Our 8mm model can detect a person as far away as 150 feet.

Can a video clip be attached to an access control event?

This will be available in an upcoming software release.

Can a camera be powered via solar?

Yes. We offer a solar-powered model.

What happens to the cameras after the job is done?

Your Eyrus representative will coordinate shipping cameras back at the completion of the project.

How much to cameras cost?

Contact Eyrus for the latest pricing information.

Do cameras work at night?

Yes. Cameras operate, record, and monitor events 24/7 according to a defined schedule.

Can I be alerted if something happens on site and no one is there?

Yes. A monitoring schedule a defined prior to installation.

Will cameras requires software updates? If so, do I need to take any action?

Cameras may require updates. These can be done remotely and will not require any intervention.


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