Zone management contains certain system rules and validations that allow us to provide you with the most accurate real-time information on your zones dashboard. For this reason, zone dashboard views can't include both parent zones and their children and vice versa because headcounts would be double counted if the view included both a parent zone and its children.
Let's dive deeper into what this means by covering two scenarios:
Scenario 1
If a parent zone is added to a view, all child zones of the selected parent zone are disabled, and can’t be added to the view that is being configured.
In the image below, Building 1, Building 2, and Building 3 were added to a view (the fact that they are bolded symbolizes that they were added to the view). All the other zones are grayed out to symbolize that the system won't allow you to add them to the same view because they belong to trees under zones that have already been added to the view.
If the desire is to show the child zones for only Building 1, a view can be created titled "Building 1" and its respective child zones can be added to the view.
Scenario 2
If a child zone is added to a view, the associated parent zone is disabled and can’t be added to the view that is being configured. All other child zones are enabled and can be added to the view.
In the image below notice how Building 1 and Building 2 are greyed out, symbolizing that they can't be added to the view because their child zones were added to the view (all bolded zones). Also, notice how the Secure Room and the Secret Room are greyed out as well, because their immediate parent zones were added to the view.