Using Registration Files

Eyrus provides the ability to include file upload during the workforce registration process. This could be to collect copies of certifications, licenses, or other files required by the project's onboarding process.

Setting up file upload

File upload can be included for any registration field and is simple to setup. To get started head to the People module and click on Registration preferences in the side menu. You'll notice a checkbox called "include file upload" is available for any field that is turned on for the project. Screen Shot 2023-11-07 at 1.41.18 PM.png

The person registering will need to upload a file based on your selected validation for the fields (optional/required).

Uploading files during registration

If fields include file upload the registration form will include a section called Files. This is where a registrant can upload the necessary files for the respective fields. There is also an option to add additional files should the person choose, but this is not a requirement.

Please note: If a file upload is required for a Yes/No field and the registrant marks "No" they will not be required to upload a file given their response.

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Once submitted these files are available to be viewed/downloaded from the worker profile. From here they can be downloaded and additional files can be added or deleted if necessary.

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