How to use the Primavera P6 integration

Using the Primavera P6 integration is easy. There are three simple steps you need to follow:
  1. Importing a file

    To start, export your project's schedule from Primavera P6 in .XML format. Once saved in your desktop, upload the file to the system.

    Make sure that only one project is exported when exporting the schedule from Primavera P6. The integration only supports ingesting the schedule for one project at a time. If multiple projects are exported on the file, we'll only ingest the first one.

    If you are managing multiple projects in Primavera P6 and in Eyrus, please make sure that the project's schedule you're exporting corresponds to the project in Eyrus you're uploading it to.


  2. Mapping Eyrus contracts to P6 resources
    Once we have successfully processed your file, you need to tell Apex which Eyrus contracts correspond to which Primavera P6 resources. If you don't wish to map a contract, you can skip it by selecting the "--Skip Contract--" option from the dropdown, or leaving it blank.

    Contract mappings are saved for future iterations as long as the project's file stays the same. This means that if the schedule gets updated in Primavera P6, and you need to upload it again, you won't have to go through the diligence of mapping each contract to its corresponding resource. But if the file that is uploaded is completely new, the mappings will have to be redone.

    You also have the ability to change a contract's mapping if you make a mistake.

    Before you begin this process, please make sure that all the contracts for which you would like to map a Primavera P6 resource are registered on the system. If they are not, you won't have the ability to map them and will have to start over.


  3. Reviewing and submitting
    After all contract mappings are completed and saved, you'll be greeted with a review panel where you can double check for mistakes and if the schedule that is being uploaded is indeed what you want.

    If all looks good, you just have to click "Submit".


Please note that to get the most out of the Primavera P6 integration your project should be setup to have a forecast in Apex. If your project doesn't have the forecasting module enabled, or if you're not sure, please contact your Eyrus representative.


After your first Primavera P6 schedule is uploaded, you'll notice a 'Completeness' bar appear next to the integration. This bar helps you understand how many of your existing Eyrus contracts have been mapped during the integration process.




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